East Meats West

Event Cancelled

Whole Hog Rules


  1. Hog must weigh a minimum of 40 pounds dressed with head intact.
  2. Contestant must provide their own hog.
  3. Hog to be inspected by meat inspector prior to applying any rubs, marinades or injections.
  4. Contestant may use any rubs, sauces or injections as deemed appropriate.
  5. Hog must be cooked on site using wood and/or charcoal.
  6. Judging is based on 5 different cuts from the hog.
  7. Cuts must be removed from hog & put into provided tray with no further cooking.
  8. A member of the Hog Patrol will be present 1 hour before turn in to observe
  9. Blind judging by certified KCBS judges.
  10. Turn in time 11:00 AM at judge’s area. KCBS rules apply.
  11. Special containers will be supplied and the left side marked.
  12. Enough for 6 samples of the 5 different cuts must be entered.
  13. No garnish. Meat only to be in tray.
  14. The 5 cuts are to be placed from left to right as follows: shoulder, loin, rib meat, bacon/belly and ham.

Oinktoberfest 2019
Aloha to the Pig!
BBQ Competition and Cook-off
Sept. 20 – 22, 2019
716 759-8483